10 Incredible Facts About Meymand, Iran’s Troglodyte Village


In addition to the pristine nature, awe-inspiring architecture, and ancient history that Iran has to offer, visitors can’t seem to get enough of its quaint villages. One such place is Meymand (also spelled Maymand), Iran’s troglodyte village carved deep in the heart of the mountains, 2,240 meters (~7,300 ft) above sea level. Here are 10 […]

6 Vegan Persian Dishes & Desserts You’ve Never Heard Of

From ancient raw vegan soups to delicous sweets, these are 6 authentically vegan Persian dishes and desserts that you've probably never heard of!

Part of what we do here at Iran Vegan Travel is scour the country for authentic, local vegan dishes. While most traditional Iranian favorites can easily be made vegan by eliminating the meat and dairy and/or substituting your favorite plant protein, there are actually several dishes that are vegan to begin with. We’ve gathered a […]